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The Jungle Diaries Blog
There is the BBC of course. CNN. Reuters ...
There is the BBC of course. CNN. Reuters. The New York Times. All News, if you will. And then there is real news. Recently, I have taken...
It was Mr Wijeratne from the Water Board who brought the missing tiara ...
It was Mr Wijeratne from the Water Board who brought the missing tiara to mind when he called on us this morning, his beaming presence...
Today is the saddest of days, for Chinta has died.
Today is the saddest of days, for Chinta has died. The inexorable world will not stop its spin around the sun, nor Sri Lanka pause to...
“It's love,” my music teacher assured us, “that ...
“It's love,” my music teacher assured us, “that makes the world go round.” He was trying to enforce some degree of harmony in a class...
“Spaghetti,” barked a planter friend, describing ...
“Spaghetti,” barked a planter friend, describing Sri Lankan politics. “Noodles. A ball of coir, all entangled. A roll of barbed wire. “ ...
Damnit. I mean honestly. Just damnit.
Damnit. I mean honestly. Just damnit. This is the second time in as many weeks. One more such episode and you can call me obsessed;...
Everyone has their thinking space: the bath ...
Everyone has their thinking space: the bath, the shower, the treadmill after work. Voltaire had his bed, Dylan Thomas his shed – and I a...
“Thanks for the warning,”came the text from Danby this morning...
“Thanks for the warning,” came the text from Danby this morning. The message displayed his characteristic linguistic athleticism: lean,...
The kerfuffle in the kitchen has calmed down since ...
The kerfuffle in the kitchen has calmed down since I (at last) remembered the old adage about too many cooks spoiling the broth. And...
At 6 am Mr Goonetilleke the Younger’s workers were already ...
At 6 am Mr Goonetilleke the Younger’s workers were already busy tapping the rubber; and as I shot past them, four dogs on a single lead,...
The owl’s hoot kicked it all off. It was 5.49 am and ...
The owl’s hoot kicked it all off. It was 5.49 am and it rang out, sonorous, low, loud but not noisy. Mellow. Rather beautiful. Almost...
The French condition, “la petit mort” hung in my head as I...
The French condition, “la petit mort” hung in my head as I woke up this morning, for there was a moment, as there is almost every day,...
After days and days of heady sunshine, the rain falls.
After days and days of heady sunshine, the rain falls. As ever, spectacular. Within minutes of the monsoon deluge starting, the lawns...
Once, when people still had time for, or a belief in things other than shopping ...
Once, when people still had time for, or a belief in things other than shopping or raw survival, Sundays were special. There was getting...
H.R. Managers are in their happiest place when ...
H.R. Managers are in their happiest pace when discussing either redundancy terms or the compensation package that will tempt you to leap...
There’s something very special - in that most ordinary of ways - about ...
There’s something very special - in that most ordinary of ways - about walking the dog; or dogs, in my case. It’s taken a few years to...
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